The upcoming, nearly sold-out UIA National Summit brings an essential part of our theory of change to life. We’re not just focused on improving our own campuses or driving innovation for UIA students—we’re here to galvanize and spark change across the entire sector. Our goal is to make it standard for campuses to collaborate on shared challenges, redesigning how institutions serve students so that every student can succeed in life.
We operate as a national lab for student success innovation. Not just for our benefit, but to share what we learn so others don't have to start from scratch. We want to shift our sector’s values and mindset away from isolated efforts to real collaboration.The future demands that higher education stop operating as thousands of separate institutions, all trying to solve the same problems in different places. Our challenges are shared, and innovation becomes far easier when we work together. We believe our collaborative approach can be replicated. What’s needed now is a seamless way to connect people around shared challenges (hence the Summit in our 10th year). Collaborative, high-impact innovation has fueled our success, and we hope to inspire more networks, partnerships, and alliances.
Try and bring at least one other person with you. Attending conferences alone rarely leads to real change. You need a thought partner to strategize and take action when you return. Change isn’t a solo effort—it requires cross-functional teamwork to navigate daily challenges and transitions. Two can make a team, but don’t expect to implement solutions alone. Set yourself and your campus up for success by coming prepared.
We also think it's critical to acknowledge what we don’t know. Like everyone in higher ed, we’re still figuring out how to improve economic and social mobility for all students. Some institutions have made progress on measuring mobility, but the real challenge is improving it for every student, regardless of background.
That’s why we’re kicking off the UIA Summit with Raj Chetty, a literal genius on social mobility. We want everyone aligned on tackling the big questions about the value of higher education and its impact on graduates’ lives. Our success—as a sector, as institutions, and as a country—depends on facing these challenges together.
I hope you'll join us in this work,
Ps. U.S. Department of Education Undersecretary James Kvaal is a closing speaker!
October 7, 2024
Upcoming UIA Summit
Tickets for the UIA National Summit on Student Success Innovation are still available but going fast, so register today.
Less than 50 tickets remaining. ⏳ Secure your spot and reserve your hotel by September 30 to get the best room block rates. Register now and join us!
Network Highlights
Welcome to our newest UIA Board members: Dr. James R. Martin II, the new Chancellor of North Carolina A&T State University, and Dr. Ann Schmiesing, who was named University of Colorado, Denver’s interim Chancellor. NC A&T also added Dr. Regina Williams Davis, Associate Vice Provost for Student Success, as a UIA liaison.
Did you see our announcement about our team expansion?
We are also delighted to welcome back Dia Garcia, our Assistant Director of the UIA Fellows Program and Network Initiatives, who welcomed baby Zion to the family!
UIA Lab Events
Academic Recovery Initiative, Campus Overviews
It's not too late to join part 2 of our series to showcase innovative ways campuses are helping students recover after academic setbacks. These sessions are ideal for anyone interested in developing or enhancing academic recovery from DFW programs at their own institution. Join us!
October 3 at 1-2 pm ET: Arizona State University’s Academic Recovery Initiative (RSVP required)
Learn with Us
- Weekly Wisdom with President Chiang of Purdue University (podcast)
- Weekly Wisdom with UC Riverside Chancellor Kim Wilcox (podcast)
- Crafting U.S. Higher Education Policy (blog post)
- Empathy, Collaboration, and Engagement in Higher Education (blog post)
Want more? Check out all of our weekly blog posts and podcast episodes.
What we’re learning about this month at the UIA:
- When white-collar work becomes just about meetings? (The Atlantic)
- Helping transfer students succeed. (Inside Higher Ed)
- Listen to the voice of student parents (Hechinger Report)
- Teens on high school experiences and college expectations. (NPR)
Events to Put on Your Radar
- November 10-12, 2024: APLU Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
- November 16-19, 2024: AASCU 2024 Annual Conference for Presidents and Chancellors, Puerto Rico,
- November 20-23, 2024: ASHE 49th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN
- January 22 – 24, 2025, AAC&U Annual Meeting: Reaffirming Higher Education’s Public Purpose, Washington, DC
- February 12-13, 2025, American Council on Education (ACE) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- March 15-19, 2025N: NASPA Annual Conference - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, New Orleans, LA
Stuff We Love
A few recommendations to bring delight to your life:
- Plan ahead for a cool holiday gift idea: order fun wrapping paper now.
- A better alarm option for waking up than your phone.
- This zipstring is apparently a hit with kids
- Smartphone screen magnifier!!
- Keyboard cleaning kit: because keyboards are gross.
“The purpose of your institution is social transformation. The means to social transformation is the wisdom, the wit, the talent, and the energy of your faculty and your staff.”