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Welcome to innovating together, a podcast produced by the University Innovation Alliance. This is a podcast for busy people in higher education who are looking for the “aha moments” that can propel their work forward. Innovating Together curates the best insights, research, and experts.

Bridget Burns, CEO of the University Innovation Alliance, and Doug Lederman, Editor and Co-Founder of Inside Higher Ed, speak with Dr. Kevin Kruger, retiring President and CEO of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), on The Innovating Together Podcast. Dr. Kruger reflects on the pleasures and pressures of leadership, how he’s approached his position, his recommendations for practicing and upcoming leaders, and how to prepare for a sea change in higher education. Topics include:

  • What he’ll miss and won’t miss about leading NASPA
  • Leadership as a craft
  • Four pieces of administrative advice for those working in higher ed
  • The oncoming “higher ed recession”
  • Recommended reading

Innovating Together shares Dash Media’s 12/20/23 podcast Ed on the Edge, featuring the UIA’s founder and CEO Bridget Burns. In conversation with Global Silicon Valley’s Michael Moe, Dr. Burns talks about her personal experiences with student success, the UIA’s first ten years, how to scale change, and the value of embracing failure. Topics include:

  • The origin of the University Innovation Alliance
  • Ten years of leading the way in student success innovation
  • Repositioning higher ed to better serve the American Dream,
  • Breaking individual institutions out of their silos
  • How to get involved with the UIA’s mission

Bridget Burns, CEO of the University Innovation Alliance, and Doug Lederman, Editor and Co-Founder of Inside Higher Ed, speak with Dr. Casey Sacks, President of West Virginia’s BridgeValley Community and Technical College, on the Weekly Wisdom Podcast. President Sacks shares the need to balance the view on the ground versus the big picture, her personal leadership journey, some of her proudest accomplishments, strategies for decision making, and the power of both information and knowledge. Topics include:

  • Lessons from the U.S. Department of Ed as applied to community colleges

  • Taking personal initiative and learning from experience

  • Successful advocacy at federal and local levels

  • Making confident choices and collaborating with stakeholders

  • Read as much as you can, because you never know what might be useful

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