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Newsletter Archive

I often find myself grappling with the intersection of innovation and change.

Where are you on the AI reaction spectrum?

Dear Higher Education Leaders, Administrators, and Staff,

It’s no secret that higher education faces unprecedented challenges in an era of shifting demographics, technological advancements, and i

We are a testament to the power of collaboration and are dedicated to giving back to the sector by creating purposeful spaces that make i

As a tiny but mighty nonprofit organization committed to transforming higher education through effective collaboration that accelerates i

One of the cornerstones of the UIA has always been about building a broader movement.

Everything feels a bit surreal to me these days—and it has nothing to do with AI or Taylor Swift’s cat.

In the world of higher education, we've grown increasingly defensive, and for good reason.

One of the gifts of coordinating and working among 17 institutions over the past decade is the ability to see what resonates across campu

Whenever I talk with people at UIA campuses and learn about the tremendous work they’re doing on behalf of students, I feel good about th

At the UIA, we’re incredibly fortunate to have 17 member campuses who are constantly bringing new ideas to the fore.

We always talk about the important habits that support innovation, and this month the UIA engaged in one of its most important organizati

Earlier this spring, we gathered the whole UIA network for a convening and I always love to hear the surprise fr

This past month I was honored to be invited to give a commencement addr

This month has been a whirlwind of speaking, conferences and convening our campuses.

We are always learning new things about how to advance innovation and change in higher ed.

This year has already brought tremendous learning and change to our organization.

At the University Innovation Alliance, we believe that innovation and change are best sustained through a movement that brings inspiratio

One of the wonderful aspects of this time of year is the chance to take a break, reflect, and spend time thinking about the year ahead.

Burnout is a challenge everyone in higher ed is familiar with. But do we know what really causes it?

We just returned from Tempe, AZ, where we held our first in-person convening in three years, and I am elated to share that it was the bes

Five years ago, the UIA secured funding to scale completion grants across our network.

Six years ago, our campuses decided to come together to figure out how to redesign the handoff between college and career.

We were thrilled recently to co-host a lively webinar with the Chronicle of Higher Education on the importance of academic advising.

In 2015, the UIA won a U.S.

An important aspect of my job is recognizing shared problems and bringing people together to solve them.

One of the most significant threats to student success right now is our collective inability to hire and retain

It’s Black History Month, and we’re focusing this newsletter on the exciting and challenging work occurring acro

The ritual of New Years can be a helpful reminder to reflect and identify new practices that can improve your daily life.

As 2021 draws to a close, I’m reflecting on all the people who made this a great year amid the challenges we fac

In many ways, the past two years revealed the best of higher education.

People frequently ask me what the “secret sauce” for the UIA’s success is.

Dear Friend,

I just returned from the ASU+GSV summit with a brain full of new ideas and a sense of relief knowing that coming back together is possible with the right planning and protocols for safety.
Over the past year, UIA campuses have been working together on our Black student success initiative, a collaborative, exploratory effort to assess and reimagine how we support Black students.
While sharing about the work of the UIA over the past eight years, the question I heard most frequently was "when are you going to admit more campuses?" To be honest, my answer was never that great.
The resilience of our students, faculty, staff, and administrators was on full display over the past year, making graduation season more emotional (with gratitude and admiration) than ever before.
We designed this newsletter for you. We created this with the same values that inform everything we share: to be hopeful, concise, and full of valuable information that helps you serve students better.

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