Scholarship to Practice 8/19/21 - TJ Stewart

Bridget Burns, Executive Director of the University Innovation Alliance, and Derrick Tillman-Kelly, Director of UIA's Fellows Program and Network Engagement, speak with Dr. TJ Stewart, Assistant Professor of Student Affairs & Higher Education at Iowa State University. As a researcher who explores college students with stigmatized identities, identity-based student activism, and critical qualitative methodologies, Dr. Stewart discusses unrecognized student populations in need of equitable treatment and faculty and staff passion for student success. Topics include:

  • How and why some groups of students are overlooked 
  • Sizeism and fatphobia on campus
  • Accepting the reality of sex work as a student labor choice
  • Perceptions of pathology and stigma as roadblocks to improvement 
  • Individual choices as a pathway to changes in policy

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