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Scholarship to Practice 9/2/21 - Bryan Brayboy

Bridget Burns, Executive Director of the University Innovation Alliance, and Derrick Tillman-Kelly, Director of UIA's Fellows Program and Network Engagement, speak with Dr. Bryan Brayboy, President’s Professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. As senior advisor to the president, director of the Center for Indian Education, and co-editor of the Journal of American Indian Education, Dr. Brayboy discusses the challenges that indigenous students face in higher education, the efforts and missteps of institutions in addressing Native populations' needs, and the deep history of rights and responsibilities in U.S. democracy. Topics include:

  • The burden of history and the misunderstandings that indigenous students are dealing with
  • Land grant institutions and 21st-century land acknowledgment proclamations
  • Good intentions and how they can miss the mark
  • What it means to be in right relation
  • How the Haudenosaunee (a.k.a. the Iroquois Confederacy) contributed to the basic structure of U.S. government

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