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Fresh From the UIA (Diversity)

Kristina Johnson, The Innovating Together Podcast
Kristina Johnson, President of The Ohio State University, discusses starting a new leadership job during the pandemic, how to improve public safety on and off campus, and the connection between diversity and opportunity.
Don Pope-Davis, The Innovating Together Podcast
Don Pope-Davis, Dean of the College of Education and Human Ecology, Ohio State University, discusses the Dean’s Diversity Postdoctoral Fellows Program, the thinking and groundwork that led to its development, and preparing a campus culture for any large-scale diversity initiative.
Richard Reddick, The Innovating Together Podcast
Dr. Richard Reddick, professor and associate dean at University of Texas at Austin, talks about the problem of cultural taxation at universities seeking to practice equity and inclusion -- expected and uncompensated leadership from members of marginalized groups.

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