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UIA in the News

Since the launch of the University Innovation Alliance in September 2014, we’ve been busy embarking on the first phase of our journey towards increasing graduation rates among low-income students. As part of our commitment to graduate 68,000 additional students by 2025,  UIA members will scale predictive analytics-based interventions that have been successful on three member campuses—Georgia State University, Arizona State University, and the University of Texas at Austin. Earlier this month, the UIA leadership team met at the Georgia State campus to kick start this effort and see first- hand how the university is using predictive analytics to increase student access, retention, and success.

Seasoned education reporter Goldie Blumenstyk aptly described the innovative use of predictive analytics to keep students on track toward their degrees in her recent New York Times op-ed.

Along the way, the UIA is drawing attention to the important work ahead. In December, our 11 member institutions made a pledgeto graduate 68,000 additional students public during the White House College Opportunity Day of Action.

Last month, Purdue University President Mitch Daniels and Arizona State University President Michael Crow participated in an armchair conversation at Opportunity America, about the role of higher education as an engine of economic mobility, and the ideas and innovations that they’re enabling at their schools to offer expanded access while maintaining quality. UIA Executive Director Bridget Burns, joined by Oregon State University President Ed Ray and Georgia State University President Mark Becker, also presented during a panel at the Association of American Colleges & Universities’ Centennial Annual Meeting. During the session, UIA leaders discussed lessons learned to date since the launch of the Alliance, their assessment of what’s needed to close the achievement gap, and why collaboration is the right path forward.

Over the next few months, we’ll be working to implement new analytics projects across our campuses and will continue to participate in education conferences. Be sure to check back on our blog for updates and events we plan to attend throughout the 2015 year!

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