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Our online University Innovation Lab is now open to institutions nationwide! Find out more>>

Fresh From the UIA (University Innovation Lab)

Inside the University Innovation Lab
The University Innovation Lab has been up and running for a year. We review why we need this platform, how it contributes to student success, and the institution-wide benefits of membership. We invite you to experience a demo to get a feel for how the UI Lab can help your school innovate.
Woman wearing headphones looking at a laptop computer
Innovate for today’s college students with the meaningful connections and relevant, actionable resources you’ll find in the University Innovation Lab. Join the Process Mapping cohort today.
2022 Annual Report: Blog #1
In the first of two blogs, the University Innovation Alliance celebrates its 2022 accomplishments. This installment reviews impact and scale of UIA initiatives, diffusion to the field through a variety of media platforms, and the invaluable partnerships that make their work possible.
Office team collaborating in a meeting led by a female-presenting person of color leader
Time To Read: 3 minutes

Want to make student-centered change on your campus, but not sure where to start? You don’t have to go it alone. The University Innovation Alliance can help.

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