Angela Duckworth, co-director of the Penn Wharton Behavior Change for Good Initiative, discusses the threshold for institutions joining the program, how it supports first-year and transfer students, pitching it to administrators, and using the resulting data.
In 2024, the University Innovation Alliance (UIA) celebrated a decade of transformative impact. What began in 2014 as a bold experiment by 11 universities has grown into a collaborative movement to dramatically redefine what’s possible in higher education: increased student success. We knew that graduating thousands more students would require reimagining how institutions tackle big challenges. Together, we innovated, shared knowledge, and built a culture of collaboration that now inspires change far beyond our campuses.
In a replay of UIA CEO Bridget Burns’ guest appearance on Dash Media’s Ed on the Edge podcast, she discusses her personal experiences with student success, the UIA’s first ten years, how to scale change, and the value of embracing failure.
The University Innovation Alliance relies on collaborative scale projects among member institutions to advance its mission and effectiveness. During 2023, the UIA made great strides on these four projects: Academic Recovery, Student-Centered Redesign, Listening Lab, and Doctoral Research Fellows.
Celebrating the highlights of the UIA’s 2023 Annual Report, we look at increased degree completion rates, scale projects making the UIA an effective force for change, growing the University Innovation Lab, widening diffusion to the field, and the teams responsible for our ongoing success.
The year 2024 marks a decade of the University Innovation Alliance’s mission to revolutionize higher education. Join us in celebrating our successes, unpacking our ongoing challenges, and looking at how we plan to build on our accomplishments going forward.
Tim Renick, Executive Director of the National Institute for Student Success at Georgia State University, discusses DFW rates and the accelerator model, the pandemic’s lingering impact on student success, the hurdles of institutional culture, and gauging a school’s readiness to implement change.
Bridget Burns, University Innovation Alliance CEO, discusses higher ed's core design flaw, predictive analytics and at-risk students, chatbots, college-to-career best practices, completion grants, and innovating through failure.
In the second of two blogs, the University Innovation Alliance celebrates its 2022 accomplishments. This installment reviews five of the UIA's strategies for scaling the most promising student success practices.
In the first of two blogs, the University Innovation Alliance celebrates its 2022 accomplishments. This installment reviews impact and scale of UIA initiatives, diffusion to the field through a variety of media platforms, and the invaluable partnerships that make their work possible.