Fresh From The UIA

10 Pieces of Advice for Higher Ed Leadership in Challenging Times
Dr. Bridget Burns, Executive Director of the University Innovation Alliance, reviews the first 18 months of the Innovating Together Podcast to examine how pandemic, economic downturn, and changing student needs have compelled higher ed leaders to draw on their leadership experiences.
Chantal Levesque-Bristol, The Innovating Together Podcast
Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Executive Director of the Center for Instructional Excellence at Purdue University, discusses student-centered learning: what it is, what it isn't, and how it can be used in equitable learning outcomes for marginalized or minoritized student populations.
Advice for New Presidents and Chancellors
Dr. Bridget Burns, Executive Director of the University Innovation Alliance, shares 14 quotes from higher education leaders to serve as advice for incoming college presidents and chancellors, and for those who will be working with them.
Tim Renick, The Innovating Together Podcast
Tim Renick, Executive Director of the National Institute for Student Success at Georgia State University, discusses institutional initiatives for student success, using data to determine best practices, and his qualifications for leading this emerging field.
Samuel Stanley, The Innovating Together Podcast
Samuel Stanley, President of Michigan State University, discusses balancing safety and administrative concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic, restoring institutional trust, and the mindset of servant leadership.
Freeman Hrabowski, The Innovating Together Podcast
Freeman Hrabowski, President of University of Maryland, Baltimore County, discusses U.M.B.C. recently joining the University Innovation Alliance, best practices of collaboration among universities, addressing disparities in higher education, and the power of humility.
Harold Martin, The Innovating Together Podcast
Harold L. Martin, Chancellor of North Carolina A&T State University, discusses the benefits of the University Innovation Alliance, how his institution might best use increased federal funds, and the power of organizational stability in times of change.
Summer Beach Reads for Higher Ed Leaders
Dr. Bridget Burns, Executive Director of the University Innovation Alliance, offers a list of inspiring beach reads drawn from suggestions by higher ed leaders interviewed during the past year's Innovating Together Podcast series.
Mark Becker, The Innovating Together Podcast
Mark Becker, President of Georgia State University, discusses the best mindset for leadership, how elevating the entire institution is a measure of personal success, and the ongoing need for education at any stage in one's career.
Michael Crow, The Innovating Together Podcast
Michael Crow, President of Arizona State University, discusses the critical need for a more flexible, scalable higher education model if U.S. institutions and society hope to remain globally competitive as we move out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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